News & Related Information Archive

Planning Resources
Risks: Airborne & Touch Exposures - Job Site & Office/Trailer (21) Control: Adjust work/meeting areas to maintain minimum 6ft between workers (8) Control: Place physical barriers between workers (3) Control: Designate separate points for entering & leaving job site (5) Control: Designate areas for pick up & deliveries (2) Control: Require handwashing before & after entering area (7) Control: Keep individuals in a crew together (3) Control: Limit crew size (4) Control: Limit in-person meetings (2) Control: Limit number of attendees at in-person meetings (3) Control: Limit sharing of tools, vehicles, & equipment (4) Control: Clean and disinfect shared tools, equipment, & vehicles after use (4) Control: Limit the number of individuals in lifts & elevators (2) Control: Limit visitors (2) Control: Place handwashing stations & sanitizers in accessible locations (8) Control: Prohibit sharing of tools & equipment (3) Control: Use respirators (such as N95s) as part of a respiratory protection program (8) Control: Provide products to clean and disinfect tools, equipment & high touch surfaces (7) Control: Require delivery personnel to remain in their vehicles (if possible) (2) Control: Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces frequently (8) Control: Stage materials to minimize manual material handling (2) Control: Stagger shifts to limit number of workers on site (3) Control: Mark walking areas with directional arrows (5) Control: Use signs/posters/markers to maintain a 6 ft distance between workers (5) Control: Use signs to limit number of people in an area (2) Control: Limit staff involved in moving materials (3) Control: Provide lifting equipment to limit manual handling (3) Control: Use face coverings (11) Control: Use face shields (3) Control: Use gloves (4) Control: Limit sharing of office equipment and supplies (4) Control: Clean and disinfect shared office equipment (4) Control: Prohibit sharing of office equipment (2) Control: Increase ventilation (16) Control: Restock soap/water, towels, & hand sanitizer frequently (3) Screening Resources (15) Training Resources (18) Complete Your Plan Resources (4) Control: Employee Vaccination (8)